Unchain Africa

A Travel and Trade Marketing and Media Agency for Africa

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    Africa Must Market Africa

    In 1998 at an International Association of Convention and Visitors’ Bureau (IACVB) conference in Orlando, Florida, a speech from the head of the IACVB excited me, until he displayed a pie chart showing global tourism earnings by continent. I was embarrassed by the figures as an African, which showed Africa at 1% of world tourism earnings, the lowest on the chart. I lowered my head not hearing another word spoken, as I was wrapped in my thoughts about the Continent. Knowing fully well the reason for these figures, I wanted his opinion on Africa. He simply said “Africa must market Africa.” That statement has both pained and motivated me to this date.

    Africa can and must do better marketing. Though I have relocated to the Continent, I’m still aware of Africa’s narrative internationally. Only we can tell the story as we want it heard.

    Understanding the high costs of marketing and advertising, our strategic campaigns, such as the Africa Co-op programs are designed to change the narrative, bring results and remain cost-effective.

    Together let us increase Africa’s slice of the global tourism pie chart.
    Hesta Baker, CEO

    Click for The Africa COOP Media Kit